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About Us AeroNasca

About AeroNasca 🥇

AeroNasca Peru is the most popular airline excursion company in Peru, with more than 21,000 passengers per year; It was founded in 2013 with the intention of offering spectacular flights to the Nazca Lines, Palpa Lines, Cantalloc Aqueducts, Buggies in the Usaca Dunes, Cahuachi Pyramids and other tourist places in Nazca.

We are proud to offer our visitors an unparalleled perspective to one of the most enigmatic places in Peru; making your visit to this place an unforgettable experience.

We have airplanes that are specifically designed for this type of flights; these present on board a series of improvements that make the experience different. All our Aircraft offer intercom passengers; with those who maintain communication between crew members and passengers; so that our experienced pilots can give a live narration during the flight which makes the rides very comfortable and not lose sight of even one of the figures.

Get to know the Nazca Lines with AeroNasca!

Another feature that highlights us is that we are certified members to perform Air Services by the Aeronautical authority of our country “DGAC“; which requires mandatory compliance with a series of air safety rules and regulations; Aeronasca Peru has successfully fulfilled and exceeded this set of required regulations. We have special attention to the issue of safety so that the integrity of our passengers is optimal and 100% enjoy each activity.